+64 9 430 3072
Successfully deliver collaborative projects with ourpartners to achieve optimum solutions for end users
Below are a snapshot of just some of the exciting projects that NDC are or have been included in as either the collective or individuals.
Projects completed by directors of NDC
Act as the clients representative.
Return on investment studies.
Land/building suitability studies.
Assist with project structuring/governance.
Feasibility studies/applications for funding.
Value engineering and risk management.
Procurement of consultants, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and specialists.
Management and entire project team leadership.
Fiscally manage projects, including finance drawdowns and progress payments.
Risk management including Health & Safety, Quality Assurance and buildability.
Funding applications.
Act as development managers.
Cradle and Grave development expertise/management.
Act as developers.
Work with all funders across the sector.